Psychological Assessments

Psychological Assessments

Perception, Memory, Emotion, Language, Reasoning, Executive, IQ, Constructional, Visuospatial and Pre-Morbid Functioning are areas that could be assessed in any psychological assessment, depending on the person’s unique needs.

We provide the following psychological assessments:

  • Standardized Psychometric Tests
  • We have a wide range of Psychometric Tests in our Psychometric Test Bank Psycho-Diagnostic Assessments
  • By conducting comprehensive psycho-diagnostic assessment, clear and effective decisions can be made as to the best therapeutic and counselling direction to overcome the child or adolescent’s specific challenges. In this testing we assess and clarify concerns regarding behavior, personality traits, mood, emotional functioning and cognitive processes.
  • Psycho-Educational Assessments Subject choices
  • Examination Concessions
  • Tertiary Study Direction
  • School Readiness
  • Identifying Learning Difficulties
  • ADHD
  • IQ

Neuropsychological Assessments

Neuropsychology is a specialist branch of psychology that focuses on the relationship between the brain (neurological system) and the psychological functions.

  • Injury (e.g. car accident, near drownings, concussions or fall),
  • Illness (e.g. rheumatic fever, cerebral palsy),
  • Developmental trauma (e.g. premature birth),
  • Inherited (e.g. primary ADHD)
  • Substance induced (e.g. TIK abuse)
  • Forensic Assessments
  • Medico-legal Assessments
  • Work Capacity Assessments